Your go-to source for friendly, holistic support and health-oriented solutions to all of your hair questions and concerns.
You have come to the right place to find answers about healthy, happy hair. We know that beautiful, shining hair begins way below the surface of the skin. It begins with your basic state of physical health, and is enhanced by all of the ways you take care of your hair.
We are here to help you understand the basic nature of your hair, and the intricate link between your overall health and well-being and the health of your hair. The healthier we are in body, mind, and spirit, the healthier our hair will be as well.

We hope you will come to think of Hairpothecary as a trusted friend you can rely on when you need real answers or advice on the health and appearance of your hair.
Develop and nurture an overall sense of balance and well-being in body, mind, and spirit.
copy by Monica Gaydos

As hair health gurus, we often consult with health professionals such as acupuncturists, dermatologists, general practitioners, and personal trainers to find solutions to your questions & concerns.
The answers you will find here are based on scientific facts and medical knowledge fused with the extensive expertise of Boston’s top hair care professionals, who care about your health and well-being.